
What to Wear to a Celebration of Life? | Guest Style Guide

Deciding what to wear at a celebration of life can often feel like walking through a minefield blindfolded. 

You want to strike the perfect balance between respectfulness and celebrating the essence of who they were.

Unlike traditional funerals, celebrations of life lean towards remembering joyous times and the legacy left behind by loved ones. 

When it comes to picking out your outfit for the big event, where do you even start? 

This guide walks you through outfit ideas that pay homage while embracing the spirit of remembrance.

what to wear at a celebration of life

Table Of Contents:

what to wear at a celebration of life

A celebration of life is a beautiful way to honor someone who has passed away. 

It’s a time to come together with family and friends to remember the life of a person you loved. 

Unlike a traditional funeral, a life ceremony is more focused on celebrating the person’s life rather than mourning their death. It’s a time to share happy memories, laugh, and even cry together. 

The celebration can take many forms, from a small gathering at home to a larger event at a special venue. The key is to make it personal and meaningful to the person being honored. 

You might display photos, play their favorite music, or even serve their favorite foods. Some people choose to have a more formal program with speakers sharing stories and memories, while others keep it more casual and open-ended. 

The beauty is that there are no strict rules. It’s a chance to get creative and plan an event that truly captures the essence of your friend or family member. 

Whether it’s a beach bonfire, a backyard BBQ, or a fancy dinner party, the goal is to celebrate the life they lived and the impact they had on those around them. 

So if you’re looking for a way to honor someone special who has passed away, a celebration of life is a beautiful way to come together, share memories, life events and keep their spirit alive.

What to wear to a celebration of life?

what to wear at a celebration of life

When it comes to dressing for a celebration of life event, the key is to strike a balance between respectful and celebratory. 

You want to honor the person who has passed away while also embracing the spirit of the event. 

One safe bet is to opt for neutral colors and muted tones. Think shades of gray, navy, beige, or even soft pastels. 

These colors are understated and won’t draw too much attention, allowing the focus to remain on the person being honored. Plus, they’re easy to mix and match with other pieces in your wardrobe.

2. A bright and cheerful accessory

what to wear at a celebration of life

That said, don’t be afraid to add a pop of color with a bright and cheerful accessory. A colorful scarf, a patterned tie, or even a bold piece of jewelry can add a touch of personality to your outfit. 

If it is something your friend commented on or gifted you, even better – you will have shared a special memory around the piece and have a story to tell. 

3. Comfortable clothing that isn’t too restrictive

what to wear at a celebration of life

Above all, make sure you choose clothing that is comfortable and not too restrictive. 

You’ll likely be sitting, standing, and moving around throughout the event, so you want to be able to do so with ease. 

Avoid anything too tight, too short, or too revealing. Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen, and choose shoes that you can walk in comfortably. 

As long as you dress respectfully and comfortably, you’ll be able to fully participate in the celebration of their life.

Celebration of Life outfit ideas for women

what to wear at a celebration of life

Ladies, when it comes to dressing for a celebration of life event, the key is to choose an outfit that is both respectful and comfortable. 

A simple dress in a neutral color below the knee is a safe bet. 

For example this classic dress by Donna Morgan is the perfect length, a muted by cheerful color and neither casual nor too formal. You can dress it up with a pair of heels or keep it more casual with flats or sandals. 

Add a cardigan or shawl for an extra layer of warmth and coverage. 

If dresses aren’t your thing, you can also opt for a nice pair of slacks or a skirt with a nice blouse, button-down shirt or sweater. 

A jumpsuit or romper can also be a great choice. Look for one in a solid color with a modest neckline and hemline, like this jumpsuit from Prettygarden on Amazon.

And don’t forget about your shoes. Choose a pair that is comfortable and easy to walk in, especially if the celebration will be held outdoors or involve a lot of standing. 

Overall, the goal is to look put-together and dress appropriately while still feeling like yourself. With these outfit ideas in mind, you’ll be able to honor your loved one in style and comfort.

Key Takeaway: 

When choosing what to wear at a celebration of life, aim for respectful yet celebratory attire. Choose neutral or muted tones, avoid overly dark colors and consider adding a bright or meaningful accessory to honor your loved one comfortably.

Celebration of life outfits ideas for men

what to wear at a celebration of life

When it comes to dressing for a celebration of life, men have a few options that strike the perfect balance between respectful and celebratory. 

You don’t have to stick to the traditional black suit and tie. 

In fact, lighter color dress pants, chinos or even well-fitted jeans can be appropriate, as long as they’re paired with a nice shirt and blazer, and dress shoes or loafers. 

A pop of color, like a vibrant bow-tie, fun socks, or a stylish hat, can add a touch of personality and joy to your outfit. 

These small details can help honor the life and spirit of the person you’re celebrating. 

The key is to find a balance between respectful and festive, so you can focus on sharing memories and supporting loved ones. 

While celebrations of life are generally more relaxed than traditional funerals, there are still a few things to avoid wearing. First and foremost, steer clear of all-black attire. 

Black clothing can come across as too somber and formal for a celebration of life, which is meant to be a more upbeat and positive occasion. It’s also best to avoid clothing that’s too casual, like graphic t-shirts, or flip flops. These items can appear disrespectful and out of place at a life memorial service. 

On the other end of the spectrum, clothing or accessories that are overly flashy or distracting should also be avoided. The focus should be on honoring the life of the person who has passed, not drawing attention to yourself.

What to bring to a celebration of life

what to wear at a celebration of life

When attending a celebration of life, it’s a thoughtful gesture to bring something that honors the memory of the person being celebrated. 

One meaningful idea is to bring photos or other memorabilia that you have of the deceased. These could be pictures of happy times you shared together, or items that remind you of their hobbies and passions. 

Sharing these memories with others at the celebration can help keep the person’s spirit alive and bring comfort to those who are grieving. If you’re considering bringing flowers to the service, it’s generally better to send them ahead of time rather than bringing them with you. 

This allows the family to incorporate the flowers into the décor and ensures they won’t be overwhelmed with arrangements on the day of the event.

Key Takeaway: 

Men can ditch the black suit for a celebration of life, opting instead for lighter colors and even jeans with a blazer. Add personality with colorful accessories but avoid all-black, too casual or flashy outfits to keep the focus respectful yet celebratory. Bringing photos or memorabilia honors the departed’s memory beautifully.

FAQs in Relation to What to Wear at a Celebration of Life

What is the proper attire for a celebration of life?

Opt for subdued colors, but add a touch of brightness. Choose comfort and class over flash or super casual. Where you can break this rule is if you have a particular clothing item or accessory that holds meaning for you and the deceased

What is the best color for a celebration of life?

Muted tones work well. A splash of color through accessories can honor the person’s vibrant life.

What is the etiquette for a celebration of life?

Dress respectfully in comfortable, modest clothing. Bright accents are okay to celebrate their spirit.

What is appropriate for a celebration of life?

Avoid all black or overly casual wear. Think smart-casual with an element that feels celebratory.


In summing up this journey on deciding what to wear at a celebration of life, remember it’s all about striking that respectful yet joyful chord. It’s not just clothes; it’s about paying tribute in a way that feels right—a nod to their style, perhaps even incorporating their favorite color as part of your ensemble.

Celebrations are unique as each individual we mourn and celebrate; let your attire reflect this uniqueness too.

The takeaway here is simple but powerful – dress in a way that honors them, supports those grieving around you, and allows room for reflection on their vibrant lives lived fully. 

In doing so, we step into these gatherings not shrouded in darkness but bathed in light—ready to share stories, tears, laughter alike—and isn’t that ultimately what makes us all beautifully human?

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Jill believes that life just keeps getting better as she gets older. She believes everyone can live a full life of endless possibilities, with the right mindset, a healthy diet and with exercise.

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